06 February 2012

Big Dreams.

I don't usually put my goals out there like this; I consider myself too private a person. But, sometimes I feel putting things out there make it seem a little more real. It provides more incentive if seen on a daily basis and what not. It always could help if the people you want to work for knew you wanted to work for them. So with that being written, I came up with short- and long-term goals. The short-term goal is another story, mainly financial ones. The long-term ones however, are more career-driven. I figured I would put it out there for the world to see, because you just never know what good things could happen.

I love to write. English has always been my favorite subject. I still remember, way back in the 8th grade, being in an "on-level" class. I was the smartest (not in a bragging way). Or maybe I was just the only person interested. Either way, it wasn't too fun. You know, being around people who don't care. I remember getting the opportunity to move to the other English class. The one with all my friends and the one with the higher bar. Despite being behind (I came there after Christmas, so everyone had a semester jump on me), I caught up. And then when the stress of being behind went away, I loved it. I continued with Pre-AP/AP courses until I graduated. But really, those courses were all about reading fancy books, usually starting over the summer, and taking quizzes. And I tried, and failed, at convincing my younger sisters to take the Pre-AP English classes. But, anyway, getting back on track.

The goal I set myself is a big one - By next summer, I want to visit Australia and work or intern for ACCLAIM magazine, Sneaker Freaker, or T-World. But in a perfect world, I would be happy to work/intern for all three, at the same time. I am a huge fan of the printed magazine in a time I know more and more people are singing the praises of the digital format. There are some things I can do in the digital world, but reading a magazine is not. For me, digital is okay for watching a movie or TV show and reading the occasional ebook. But magazines? Printed all the way. 

Working for one (or all) of these magazines would be a dream. I like to write. I like to take pictures. I like to travel. I like it all and want to do it all. I want to learn all the aspects of running a magazine. Why these magazines you may be wondering? Or not. I don't know. But in the event you are wondering, I would like to say that I love all three of these magazines, first and foremost as a reader and a fan. I even had a shot to write for one. I like the streetwear/street culture scene. I like interviewing brands and the creative minds running them. I like finding them. I like reading their blogs. I like the stores, the creative minds, the artists, the trade shows.... the whole culture is amazing. 

So with that being said, my long-term goal is to move to Australia, even if it's just for the summer. I have a little over one year to hone my writing and photography, build up my savings account, delete my debt, and find some housing. And speaking of housing, every rental property in Melbourne is by the week. Do they not have a monthly option? Hmm.

Hopefully, within a year I can look back at this very post and feel I am advancing on this goal. 

I know this isn't a binding contract. Things could change. But this gives me a little hope.

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